The Current Location of Dance—France's Challenges and Transformations
Emmanuelle Huynh was active in a wide range of fields as artistic director at the National Center for Contemporary Dance (CNDC) in Angers. She will be discussing her work and creations after her time as artistic director using video footage. Themes will include her new productions, her encounters with Akira Kasai, Ko Murobushi, and others, France’s reception of Butoh, the influence of American post-modern dance, the current state of French contemporary dance, and the possibilities of Japanese-French workshops. (Tatsuro Ishii)
Wednesday, August 7
19:00 –
Ko Murobushi Archive Shy
Emmanuelle Huynh
Dancer, choreographer, teacher. Working actively with artists from various fields such as sculptors and musicians, Emmanuelle focuses on reconstructing dance from a critical point of view. She has danced for many choreographers such as Dominique Bagouet and Trisha Brown, also collaborating with Hervé Robbe, Odile Duboc, and many others. She has served as artistic director at the National Center for Contemporary Dance (CNDC) in Angers as well as associate artist at Theatre de Nimes from 2018 to 2021, and has been teaching at Beaux-Arts de Paris since September 2016.
Tatsuro Ishii
Dance critic. After serving as a Fulbright researcher at the department of drama and as an ACLS researcher at the department of performance research at New York University (NYU), he now teaches as an honorary professor at Keio University. His interests include circus, physical culture with Asian roots, post-modern dance, and performance theory from the perspective of gender and sexuality. Works include “Dance is an Adventure,” “The Critical Point of the Body,” “The Theory of Cross-Dressing,” “Sexuality in Cross-Dressing,” “Polysexual Love,” “Acrobats and Dance,” “Circus Filmology,” “A Darkness with an Aura: the Spirit Journey of Physical Acts,” etc.
Simultaneous Interpretation: Hanako Takayama, Takao Kawaguchi