part 1


Ko Murobushi and « féroce désœuvrement » Vol.2 Toward “Nijinski à minuit”

4.5 Sun
Postponed to April 2020

Yuma Ochi
 / Christine Greiner / 
So-si Suzuki / 
Pedoro Erber
 / Kuniichi Uno

  • 12:00-12:30

    Dance as dynamis—the use of the body in Ko Murobushi

    Yuma Ochi
  • 12:40-13:20

    Les mouvements (artistiques) aberrants—a corporeal fight against the capitalist logics

    Christine Greiner
  • 14:00-14:30

    Must Not Move—Ko Murobushi and Nijinski

    So-si Suzuki
  • 16:00-16:40

    L’Economie à Minuit

    Pedoro Erber
  • 17:00-17:30

    Nijinski as Anti-Oedipus—in some philosophical contexts

    Kuniichi Uno


Yuma Ochi

Yuma Ochi

Born in 1981. Visiting researcher at Waseda University’s Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum. Lecturer at Ehime University. With a PhD in literature, specialities include the history, cultural policies, and aesthetic studies of contemporary dance, particularly in France. Curated the “Who Dance? Actuality of Choreography” exhibition (2015-2016) on contemporary dance at the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum and compiled its exhibition catalogue. Research papers include “An Analysis of Jérôme Bel’s ‘The Show Must Go On’” (2011) and “Choreography for Coexistence: Exploring ‘Relations’ in the Choreographic Works of Xavier Le Roy” (2014).

Christine Greiner

Christine Greiner

She has a PhD from the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo and has been invited on different occasions to conduct research at Kinki University, Nichibunken International Center for Japanese Studies, Rikkyo University, Tokyo University, and New York University. A CNPq senior researcher since 2010, she currently works at the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo as a professor of body languages and is active in various projects and research, including serving as director of the Research Center for Oriental Studies and of the Body Readings book series.

So-si Suzuki

So-si Suzuki

He was born in 1954. He is a French literature, author and musician. He wrote Return of Antonin Artuad, The Sorcerer's Apprentic, Sub Rosa, War machine alone, Introduction to doubles. He translated A. Artaud's Le Theatre et son double, Heliogabale ou l'Anarchiste couronne, en finir avec le jugement de Dieu (co-translated), The last works of Antonin Artaud (co-edited with Kuniichi Uno), J. Genet's Notre-Dame des fleurs , Arthur Rimbaud's works, and more. His most recent published work is his first novel . He is editor of Ko Murobushi Collection.

Pedoro Erber

Pedoro Erber

He is Associate Professor in the School of International Liberal Studies at Waseda University. He is the author of Breaching the Frame: The Rise of Contemporary Art in Brazil and Japan (University of California Press, 2015), Política e verdade no pensamento de Martin Heidegger (Loyola/PUC-Rio, 2004) and numerous pieces on art and aesthetics, literature, philosophy, and political thought. In 2016 Erber curated the panoramic exhibition The Emergence of the Contemporary: Avant-Garde Art in Japan, 1950-1970 at Rio de Janeiro’s Paço Imperial. With Andrea Bachner, Erber edited a special issue of Verge: Global Asias entitled Between Asia and Latin America: New Transpacific Connections. He is an editor of the journal ARTMargins (MIT Press). Erber is currently working on a book manuscript tentatively entitled Aesthetic Economies: Neoliberalism and the Limits of Knowledge.

Kuniichi Uno

Kuniichi Uno

He was born in Matsue city in 1948. He is a French literary critic and the former professor at Rikkyo University’s Department of Image and Body Science. He continues to write essays focusing on body theory and body philosophy. He is the author of Artaud: Thought and Body (Hakusuisha), Theory of Body Image (Misuzu Shobo), Political Reflection (Seidosha)、and translated F. Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus, A. Artaud’s Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu (Kawade Bunko), G. Deleuze’s Foucault, Le Pli, S. Beckett's Molloy, Malone Meurt, L’Innommable (Kawade Shobo Shinsha), and more.


  • Date
    Sun, Apr 5, 12:00
  • Venue
    49-11 Senjunaka-cho, Adachi-ku
  • Pricing
    Adv | ¥2,500, Door | ¥2,800
    Adv | ¥2,000, Door | ¥2,300

in preparation
