2 Jun.2017

One Night with Hidenaga Otori
Preparation for the seminar in Mexico

Hidenaga Otori

Through the ambiguity of the alien body with regards to Ko Murobushi, is it possible to connect Butoh with the cultural studies of post-war Japan? In preparation for the seminar in Mexico, we consider Ko Murobushi’s “Outside.”


Venue:Ko Murobushi Archive Café “Shy”
Organizer:Ko&Edge/ Ko Murobushi Archive


Hidenaga Otori

Born in Shizuoka in 1948. Graduated from the School of Engineering at The Tokyo Institute of Technology, and completed his Faculty of Letters graduate course at The University of Tokyo. Currently a theatre critic. Several of his literary works as well as translations have been published.

Born in Shizuoka in 1948. Graduated from the School of Engineering at The Tokyo Institute of Tech…