A memorial address

Emmanuelle Huynh


You left us on the 18 th of June and a big hole is now deeping itself into our bodies and souls.

I feel an immense loss since that very day.


… in the world, in our thoughts, efforts to be something somehow and in our desirs.
You helped us by your own way of dancing, living, laughing to understand what means to try to EMANCIPATE from any convention or unquestionned idea.

I cannot stand to use the imperfect in the conjugation today.
I need to use some present tense to speak to you. About you.
There IS a transparency, a continuation between what You THINK, SEARCH, TRANSMIT, ACT, In that sense, You EMBODY a sort of HUMAN PERFECTION that i feel so lucky to have met and worked with.

The first time that i see you is in our big studio in Angers en 2005: Bodinier studio that you like very much because of its big size.
It is the introduction public conference that is opening your 5 weeks of teaching with our first promotion of students (2005/2007). You come then for our 4 promotions during the 9 years of my direction of the Centre National de danse contemporaine (2004/2012).

That very day, I keep on beeing surprised during the two hours of the talk: your initial “food” for dancing, while protesting in Tokyo University are Sartre, Genet, Bataille.

Hijikata is sending you in cabarets, dancing Faunes of Nijinsky!
Patrick De Vos and Isabelle Launay are surrounding you, bringing with you treasures of informations that I will never forget: Your dance is humourous,critical and free!
I will never forget this first impression that a strong world, river, are entering into the students lives, into mine.


Knowing you is like knowing a jewel: very precious and as simple as a stone at the same time.
Your dance is a fall.
Quick Silver in Angers. Contorsion in Angers.Tripode in Angers.
Your body in Angers.Your soul in Angers.
Together in Angers, Paris, Yokohama, Beppu, Tokyo, Vienna…
Depth of Your soul, Humour of your whole person.

You tell me very early that you want us to go together to Vietnam. That I will make you discover my father's country. I say yes and “You will bring me to the Yamabushi monks in japanese mountains, those who made you decide beeing what you are”.
Why didn't you wait so that we had Time to do both of those deep projets ?


February 2014 in Yokohama Dance Collection, I like listening that You are not here to promote beauty but art.
We go together to sento. In the restaurant,I like watching your wide short muscled feet.
They live in your Adidas shoes that transport You all over the world.
Lots of Kent. You talk about the platform You just curated. You like making sense, inventing.

August 2014 in Impulstanz Vienna, You like my idea to invade your workshop with mine as a way to collaborate wildly. You talk about les Innombrables Nijinsky.

You tell me when seeing my kids that You regret not to have had any.
I do regret it also.I would today tell them what a JEWEL You are.The people who had the chance to meet You know it.

Yesterday, on the road to Portugal, a beautiful rainbow. You in the rain married with the air.



“toward <outside>! toward <transit>!”