All Works

609 Items

Workshop 2004 2004USA CAVE
“Inframince 1”|Workshop 2008 2008/06/21-24 (Workshop), 06/21 (Solo)USA Cave
Workshop|Audition Session 2009 2009/06/15-18,20,24USA Cave
Workshop|“The Crazy Cloud Collection” 2012 2012/04/30,05/01USA Cave
Workshop|“Improvisation” 2013 2013/04/16-17,19-21USA Cave
Workshop|“Improvisation” 2014 2014/05/29-06/01(Workshop), 03(Solo)USA Cave
“FURNACE”|“quick silver”|Workshop 2009 2009/11/05-07,11/08,09,12,13USA CAVE, Dance New Amsterdam
“quick silver ”|Workshop 2007 2007/11/02-04,11/09,10USA Cave, Theater for the New City
PINE 2004 2004/01/10Malaysia CCP Experimental Theater
“Dissection d’un homme arme” 2000 2000/04/06-08France CDDB Theatre le Lorient
“Zarathustra” 1984 1984/03/20-25Spain Center cultural de la de Madrid
“HIME” 1986 1986/04/16France Centre Athanor
“Potlatch” 2000 2000/06/20-24France Centre Choreographyique National de Montpellier les Ursulines
Recontres Thematiques Le Buto, Orient–Occident 1995 1995/12/15France Centre Choreographyique National de Renne et Bretagne
“Zarathustra-Variations”|“Ai Amour” 2005 2005/03/9,12 (Screening), 03/12 (Performance)France Centre Cultural des Carmes
“Ai Amour” 1994 1994/01/11France Centre Culturel Andre Malreaux Vand 'oeuvre
HINAGATS VIII, Zarathoustra 1981 1981/12/16-19, 21France Centre Georges Pompidou Grande salle
“Utt” 1991 1991/02/20,21France Centre Georges Pompidou Grande salle
“2 Improvisations” 2011 2011/12/21France Centre Pompidou
“quick silver”|“contorsions” 2015 2015/06/13,14Brazil Centro Cultural Banco de Brasil
“quick silver” 2008 2008/11/28,29Portugal Centro Cultural de Belém
“quick silver”|Workshop 2012 2012/11/13,15,17,18Chile Centro Cultural Espacio Matta, Universidad del Desarrollo
Workshop 2003 2003/09/12,13,15-19Mexico centro de estudos do movimento
“Ritournelle”|Workshop| Performance by Students of Workshop 2014 2014/03/29,31,04/01-05,08Colombia Centro de Memoria Paz y Reconciliacion, Chingasa Natural Park
Conference 2001 2001/05/28, 30Mexico Centro Nacional de lsa Artes / teatro de la Danza
“iki–2 Mummy's March” 1985 1985/03/21-23UK CHAPTER ARTS CENTRE
Workshop 2001 2001/09/03-14Mexico Chapultepec Polanco (Atres del Auditorio Nacilnal)
“Zarathustra” 1982 1982/05/06France Chateauvallon
“Les larmes d’Eros” 1987 1987France Chateauvallon
Workshop 2014 2014/04/06Colombia Chingasa National Park
Rencontre-signature st projection LE BUTO EN FRANCE 2015 2015/02/24France CND
Teaching 2013 2013/02/19-03/15France CNDC Angers
Teaching|Screening 2006 2006/09/13-10/13France CNDC Angers, le Centre Pombidou
Workshop 2005 2005France CNN tours
“PIE” 1992 1992/09/05France Complexe Polyvalent
“Geshi (solsticio)” 2003 2003/06/21Portugal concerto belgais
“Les larmes d’Eros” 1987 1987/03/21France corbeil-essonnes
“quick silver” 2009 2009/03/21Colombia Cultural Center Comfandi
Workshop 2003 2003Brazil Curitiba Art Center Casa Hoffman
“Ai Amour” 1993 1993/03/02Sweden Dans en Hus
“Le Cycle des Stupeurs” 1989 1989/10/13,14Germany Die Werkstatt
“Ephémère” 1989 1989/6/22,23,24,25Germany die Welkstatt
OUT OF ...Ephémère 1990 1990/09/22-24Germany Die Werkstatt
Workshop|“left over shadow” 2011 2011/10/06,07Slovakia DOM T&D
“DEAD1” 2008 2008/07/10-13UK Doris Duke Studio Theatre
“Ephémère” 1988 1988/07/05France Ecoles Normales
“Ritournelle” 2015 2015/05/23Mexico El Circulo Teatral
Conference|Exposition 2011 2011/06/24France Espace Culturel Bertin Poiree
Utt|EN|9Performances Creations 1985 1985/03/29-31 (Utt), 04/06,07 (Duo), 4/9-14,16-18 (EN)France Espace Kiron
Stage—Audition by Ko Murobushi 1985 1985/12/09-13France Espace Kiron