Part 1


Ko Murobushi and « féroce désœuvrement » Vol.2 Toward “Nijinski à minuit”

Dialogue 05

The Idleness of Ko Murobushi–About Friendship or Midnight / Literary Space and Night’s Zero

Yasuo Kobayashi & Hanako Takayama

Yasuo Kobayashi

Born in Tokyo in 1950. An expert in philosophy and studies of culture and representation. Professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo. He has penned a large number of books, a few of which were found on Ko Murobushi’s bookshelf with notes from having been thoroughly read, including Mu no Toushihou (Shoshi Kaze no Bara), Fukanou na Mono e no Kenri (Shoshi Kaze no Bara), and others.

Hanako Takayama

Born in Hokkaido in 1987. Specializes in the history of voice, song and sound ideology as well as studies of culture and representation. Project assistant at the University of Tokyo’s East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts (EAA). After writing her doctoral thesis on Maurice Blanchot, she discovered that, coincidentally, Ko Murobushi had also read many of Blanchot’s writings. She has translated a number of texts, including Maurice Blanchot’s Chronicles of Intellectual Life 1941-1944 (Suiseisha).