28 Jun.2017

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He was born in Mexico City. Entitled as a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy and Master in knowledges about subjectivity and violence by the Colegio de Saberes; He is currently doing doctoral studies in philosophy at the Universidad Iberoamericana. Carries out research on the relationship between the arts and the critical construction of subjectivity, mainly in the dance-centric butoh; to investigate such a form of dance made research stays in Tokyo at the Ko Murobushi’s Archive and the Hijikata’s archive of Keio University also. He is also theatre actor since 15 years ago.

He has published several articles, among them: thus spoke Ko Murobushi and Ritual and violence in Greek tragedy in Murmullos filosóficos magazine, as well as also the book body, cruelty and difference in dance butoh, a philosophical look. Edited by Plaza y Valdez. Also published in the Reflexiones Marginales online magazine article: subject, law and desire, in the psychoanalytic knowledge. It is general director of the scenic laboratory Athanor. He currently works as a teacher in the interdisciplinary seminar on artistic education (SEMINEA), at the Centro Nacional de las Artes (CENART) and is part of the collective Hydra, transfilosofia escénica.

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