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Romina Sylvia Achatz studied film-, theatre- and mediatheory, film and philosophy in Vienna, Prag and Rome. Her main interest in her work is ‚The Politics of the body‘. She lived in Rome, worked there on a documentary film and wrote about ‚The bodies of politics in the work of Pier Paolo Pasolini’. Currently she researches and writes about ‚The thought of the Outside in the dance of Ko Murobushi‘ in Tokyo. Romina Achatz is PhD candidate at the University of applied Arts in Linz and before moving to Japan, worked there as a radio journalist, lecturer at the University, writer, filmmaker, performer and dancerteacher.
Publications: Leben im Prozess : Zwischen Performativität und Performance: Lisa Stertz mit Romina Achatz und Zeynep Akbal; In: Dieter Mersch, Lisa Stertz (Hg.): Kraft der Alterität: Ethische und aisthetische Dimensionen des Performativen, Bielefeld : Transcript, 2015