23 Feb.2025

Feed Back from Fernando López


Taking part in the programm “Responding to Ko Murobushi”
has been a great opportunity for me to create a piece connected not only with my own artistic interests but also with Dance History through the figure of Ko Murobushi. 

This experience gave me the impression of being part of an aesthetic community composed by different artists who create since their own points of view, integrating their personal memories and the information coming from the archives, breaking with something that happens usually in contemporary dance, called “autointerdiction of memory” by the dance researcher Lawrence Louppe: we are not alone in the creative process; we are not living a pure present without a pass, and “Responding to Ko Murobushi” has been a way for me to understand how there is not an opposition between “new” creations and dance History or between the present and the past: a sort of “historical ecology” that gives a place to the ideas and the movements of those who danced before us and passed away. 




マドリッド総合大学にて哲学を、パリ第8大学にてコンテンポラリー・ダンスを修めた後、フラメンコ、及び著述を学ぶ。現在パリ第8大学にて博士論文“ Philosophy and contemporarycritics of the culture”を執筆中。2013年スペインの舞台芸術アカデミーにおいてダンス・リサーチ・アワードを受賞。同2013年よりUNESCOのインターナショナル・ダンス・カウンシルのメンバー、また2015年よりQueer Art Platformの芸術監督を務める。ウィーンImPulsTanzにおいて、室伏鴻のリサーチクラス「無数のニジンスキー」を受講。

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